In millinery, the best way to showcase new ideas, innovation or simply practice or perfect your techniques in hat design is to enter competitions. At least this is what we feel.

Every year since 2018 , We have made a point of entering one particular competition, Hatalk E-magazine.

They run an annual competition which is open to all milliners Internationally to enter their hat creations based on a chosen theme. We are simply asked to show our designs in photo format to be judged and then a decision made on techniques, standard of work and interpretation of the theme. Its such a great showcase for talent in our industry and the magazine is a great supporter of milliners globally with the magazine subscription giving lots of tips , techniques and classes available from all to all in our field. Each month they feature the experienced and start-up milliners altogether in one place in order for us all to be inspired and keep up with learning. We are big fans!

We were also lucky enough to be featured by them during the Covid-19 Lockdown back in September 2020 If you are a member and want to read how we created our Copper Top Hat then click here

or go to View it on our Home page and available in our Hat Collection

Any way , this year we decided to enter again but this time we had a different idea that stems from having a year like no other and re-evaluating materials we use and exploring other more sustainable options such as materials, mediums and technology. This is something we a Leanne Cairns Millinery feel very passionate about, committing to using fully biodegradable materials to make modern, innovative and sustainable future thinking hats that protect our planet. Innovation and sustainability is at the forefront of our goals presently while still remaining true to our traditional millinery skills and tools. Why not work harmoniously between the two and combine years of learning combined with new technology to help become sustainable, utilise zero waste foundations for business and push creative boundaries that will appeal to the more eco conscious consumer.

The above entry shown is our exploration into this gone mad quite frankly and why not? We see this competition as a chance to explore and create while having fun! That’s why we choose to enter competitions, not for mere vanity metrics, but to say have you thought about this?

Would you try this? Would you buy this? Do you like this idea?
If the answer is yes to all of the above, then we feel we have done our job just right! We will have contributed as part of the wonderful millinery community in inspiring others like us and also staying true to the real essence of what creative hat art should be. Never feel uninspired, there is inspiration and great thought all around us in nature, society, industry and life.

Our Competition Entry this year needs your vote, but only if you answered yes to the questions above of course, after all its all a matter of listening, so if you don’t want to vote and think others deserve the vote more we won’t be offended. We had great fun creating our Sustainable Fairy hat anyway and it was after all inspired from Out of the Archives (this years theme)

Out of the Archives Hatalk Competition 2021

of the Hatalk Magazine from last years third prize winner in the competition who created New Moon a wonderful hat from using the same tool as we have here, a 3D pen, but with very different materials.

Obviously being a true milliner we do not copy others work but we were truly inspired by this and so used the tool but chose PLA to draw with as it is made from plant starch , 100% biodegradable and also has thermal colour changing properties turning the blue to white when in the sun or after wearing the hat for a while on the head, this is magical…. just like fairy’s.

To vote for ‘ Sustainable Fairy’ click here. Voting Closes 2nd June 2021.

Then on the competition page scroll down to read how it was made, the inspiration and the hit the love button fir the public prize vote ( found under the images. Simple and quick, we would very much appreciate it!

Good Luck to everyone that has entered.

Thanks for reading and if you are a milliner who has skills and ideas…. Just enter a Competition and show the world!

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